
PSU::Why exactly are you required to pay 1050 yen a month to play this game?

 Why exactly are you required to pay 10 dollars a month to play this game?


Closing Comments
Not enough was done to the Phantasy Star Online formula for this newest title in the series to feel fresh. Simply adding new weapons and techniques, changing the environments and adding a few extras such as the bedroom isn't enough when the online RPG has become a fully blown phenomenon. Online RPGs have groomed us to expect to get a vibrant, ever changing world that is full of things to explore and quests to complete. Instead Phantasy Star Universe offers a few hub cities, cookie cutter environments and pointless missions. Even with the addictive qualities, the lack of variety in gameplay makes this one grow old quickly.

投稿者 Lyliko : 2006年11月08日 23:50 | トラックバック

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